
Marie Young, University Communications & Marketing | 10/10/2023

Brianna Pavkovich


Saint Francis University has appointed Brianna Pavkovich of Rockwood, PA, 该校最新劳动力发展计划的首任主任, the Aviation Maintenance Technician certificate program. As the new director, 她的首要职责包括指导该项目通过美国联邦航空局的批准程序,目标是在2024年秋季开始上课.

Pavkovich, an experienced FAA Airframe & Power Plant Licensed aircraft mechanic, 在共和航空(匹兹堡和印第安纳波利斯)拥有11年的行业经验。, Express Jet (Cleveland and Denver), and Micron Technologies (Manassas, Va.) to the position. Her formal education includes an Associate in Specialized Technology, 匹兹堡航空学院航空学学士和应用科学副学士, 来自约翰斯敦宾夕法尼亚高地社区学院的企业家精神. 她目前正在欧宝体育app入口攻读组织领导文学学士学位.  

For the AMT program launch, Pavkovich will work closely with the Division of Professional Studies dean, Dr. Tricia McFadden, and Engineering program faculty member, Br. Marius Strom, the lead of the university's Aviation Specialization, 与纽顿航空服务公司合作提供的飞行培训项目.

According to Br. Strom说:“Brianna是一个很好的选择,可以帮助欧宝体育app入口在SFU发展这个新的职业道路项目. 凭借她丰富的行业经验和对行业的热情, she will be indispensable in building our curriculum. She is already well on her way, 以实践经验为中心的课程,将其技术技能与方济各对这一独特行业的独特贡献融合在一起.” 

SFU在获得宾夕法尼亚州联邦的启动资金后,于2017年进入航空教育领域,与美国航空公司合作开发了一项飞行员培训计划 Nulton Aviation Services. Beyond the need for pilots, 该大学还认识到航空维修方面的关键需求, with an estimated 132,000 new technicians needed in the United States alone by 2040.   

In October 2022, the university was awarded a  $1 million grant 由阿巴拉契亚地区委员会(ARC)与约翰敦-坎布里亚县机场管理局合作开办航空维修技术员学校, Nulton Aviation Services, Cambria County, SkyWest Airlines, and Lockheed Martin Aeroparts, Inc.

新的航空维修技术员学校将坐落在坎布里亚郡约翰默萨约翰敦机场,并将为航空维修技术员提供14 CFR 147认证的培训课程. 它将使学生在为期不到19个月的项目中获得所需的技能,并帮助创造通往安全的道路, well-paying, 在不断发展的航空工业和相关部门中维持家庭的工作.   

AMT主管的职位让Pavkovich感到兴奋,因为它允许她利用自己的技术背景,同时帮助其他人进入她个人觉得充实的领域. 她最近接受了一次采访,分享了她对这个新项目的最初想法,并提供了她如何找到自己在航空力学领域的职业道路的见解.  

An interview with Brianna Pavkovich

How did you decide to pursue an aviation career?

"For me, aviation is in my blood. My dad always took me to air shows at Latrobe when I was a kid, so I initially got into the field that way, but I also have a family history in aviation. 我的叔祖父是贝尔X-1火箭飞机的第一个试飞员,查克·耶格尔驾驶着这架飞机突破了音速. I initially wanted to be a fighter pilot in the Air Force, 后来演变成飞机维修,因为我喜欢用我的双手工作."

What type of certification do students receive at the end?

“Successful students will get what's called an A&P license. 这是一张机身和动力装置的许可证,允许你在飞机上工作.”

Are you limited to working on aircraft with this program?

“No, 这个项目很棒,因为在你获得许可证后,你可以从事的技能是可转移的. It isn't limited to aircraft. 如果你想在柴油发动机或类似的东西上工作,它也可以转化为. 对能在电梯甚至老虎机上工作的人有很大的需求.”

Do you see related programming on the horizon?

“Once we have the certificate courses developed, 我想通过专业研究部门将证书“阶梯化”为在线学位课程. Dr. 麦克法登相信,组织领导学位具有灵活性,可以成为想要继续攻读学士学位的学生的途径. 我喜欢组织领导学位的广泛性,因为学生可以从那里分支到许多不同的学科.”


“我很高兴能够帮助其他人在航空业找到自己的路. There can be many barriers to getting started. 来自这个行业是件好事,因为我知道公司在寻找什么, and I can ensure students focus on what's happening in the real world.”


Curiosity: “Above all, you need the drive to learn constantly. You never want to stop learning. You have to be curious.

Working with your Hands: “You need to like to work with your hands, 在户外是一个巨大的优势,因为大多数飞机维修, you're working outdoors, although there are a few places where you can work in shops.”

人际交往能力: “你必须有出色的人际交往能力, or at least be willing to work on them, 因为你将在飞机维修环境中与团队一起工作.”

技术技能: “你必须有良好的技术技能和技术知识,或者愿意学习这些方面. You'll also need good computer skills. A lot of places use iPads instead of physical paperwork. 您还需要具备阅读技术写作的能力,因为理解手册并记录您的工作是这项工作的重要组成部分.”

帕夫科维奇和她的丈夫布莱恩住在宾夕法尼亚州的罗克伍德,他也是一名飞机机械师. 这对夫妇和她11岁的继女凯登住在一起, their 6-month daughter Zora, and their four dogs and three cats. 她喜欢在业余时间和家人一起探索新的地方和户外探险, including hiking, kayaking, and fishing. "We both are aircraft mechanics, and a big perk of the industry is the ability to travel for free," she shared.


要了解更多关于欧宝体育app入口AMT项目的信息,请访问 http://3fxh.inonezl.com/academics/degrees-programs/amt.